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Self-Referral – No Need to see a GP!

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MSK Physiotherapy

What does a MSK physiotherapist do?

An MSK physiotherapist will asses and treat patients who have any injury, disease or problem that relates to muscles, bones, joints and peripheral nerves. They may also provide advice to help you manage your condition or refer you to other services.

How can I access an MSK physiotherapist?

There are several ways you can access MSK physiotherapy. You can ask your G.P. (alt Doctor) to refer you, you may be referred through another NHS service or you can refer yourself directly. We need some information to help us provide the right service for you, so in order to refer yourself to MSK physiotherapy please complete our Self Referral Form and take or post it to your Local Physiotherapy Department. Paper copies are also available from your local physiotherapy department or GP surgery.

The What Happens Next leaflet explains what will happen once we receive your referral.

Our Patient Information Leaflet will give you more information regarding our service and useful things to know before you attend an appointment with us.


Podiatry clinics are provided across four geographic areas of Greater Glasgow and Clyde, these include the North West, the North East, the South and Inverclyde & Renfrewshire.

To self refer or book an appointment  –

Call the Podiatry Appointment Hotline 0141 347 8909

Mon – Friday 8am – 8pm

Saturday 9am – 1pm

Alternatively email: [email protected]

Weight Management Services

Glasgow and Clyde Weight Management Services target people with existing health conditions that could be improved by losing weight. If you have Diabetes, Heart Disease or have previously had a Stroke and are overweight then you can self refer to the weight management service by calling the following number:

0141 211 3379 (Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4 pm)


Email: [email protected]


Complete the online referral form